Issue 8: How to Teach a Beginner Class
November 2021
Welcome to the eighth issue of the Aha Atlas Newsletter! Do you feel uncomfortable teaching a beginner Pilates class? Or maybe you just want a refresher on tips for teaching new students? This month, we’re giving you the tools to feel confident approaching all your beginner-level classes. Join Kai-Ting in the Learn and Move Sections to learn all about teaching a beginner class. Join Talese in the Grow Section, where she shows you how to better support your beginner students by preventing sensory overload. Plus, check out our new Chill section, where you’ll meet one of our favorite Pilates instructors.
You might have noticed our email looks a little different this month. We’ve found a new home for our newsletter on Substack. We’re excited about this upgrade because we think you’ll find it easier to use, too.
You can check out our newsletter archives here.
And you can upgrade your subscription below. By subscribing to the Member Edition, you get full access to videos and teaching templates.
Plus, if you’re looking for a holiday gift for a fellow instructor, you can now give them a gift subscription to the Aha Atlas Newsletter - Member Edition.
Let’s explore a teaching concept.
(Play an excerpt of this video. Full video available for Aha Members.)
Learning something new is...exciting, terrifying, thrilling, confusing...all of the above? How can you help your students that are new to Pilates? In this video, Kai-Ting shares what she’s learned over the years to teach a successful beginner class.
Move with us in this mini-class (10-20 minutes).
(Play an excerpt of this video. Full video available for Aha Members.)
Join Kai-Ting for this beginner mini class. It’s a great way to return to basics, and remind yourself how you fell in love with Pilates the first time. Enjoy!
Props: None (Just you and your mat.)
Boost your confidence and resilience with us.
(Play an excerpt of this video. Full video available for Aha Members.)
Sometimes it feels like our clients aren’t listening to us, don’t you think? We are cueing clearly and trying different explanations, but the words seem to go in one ear and out the other! They might be experiencing sensory overload. Go on a sensory journey in this video with Talese so you can better recognize and prevent overstimulation in your clients.
Come chill with us.
10 Questions
Meet Kat Williams, Founder of PROnatal Support. Follow her on Instagram @PROnatalsupport.
We asked Kat to answer some questions.
Favorite book or movie? Any book by Katy Bowman
Last workout you did? Hiking!
One thing you do for self-care. I get semi-regular bodywork. It allows me to do my job better and I learn SO MUCH from providers in other fields.
Teaser or Swan? A tiny thoracic swan for me, please! Maybe with a side of rotation.
Dream place to visit? Torres Del Paine
One thing most people don’t know about you? I get very strange, very loud, very embarrassing hiccups.
Mountain or sea? Mountains
Best piece of advice you’ve received? I’m not sure this counts as advice, but idea of “done, not perfect” when tackling a new project.
Celebrity crush? Ummm, can’t think of a celebrity crush.
Best thing to happen to you today? Went on a beautiful hike in Mount Rainier National Park because I’m on vacation!
We’re here to support Pilates instructors, and here are some ways you can help!
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We want to create the newsletter that best supports you, so the more you share with others and with us, the more we can do that. We’re ever grateful for your support as we build this community together.
See you next month for our next issue! Until then, catch us on Instagram or TikTok.
xo Kai-Ting and Talese